Handy Links

FoTi welcomes interested people and organisations to contact us with a view to participating in our activities.

Email:- friendsoftasmanisland@gmail.com

Or contact through



To help our finances:-

FoTi sells merchandise through the Wildcare online shop


Invertebrate Fauna of Tasman Island

The Geology and Geomorphology of Tasman Island

Quarters 1 History and drainage works 2020

The History of the Tasman Landing Stage Zoom 2020

Tasman Memories 1969

Amateur Radio on Tasman 2012

Rotary Club Tour of Tasman 2013

Verandahs of Tasman Island - Presentation August 2021


The Rotary Club of Tasman Peninsula conduct fund-raising helicopter flights to Tasman Island once a year.

Coinciding with the anniversary of the opening of the lighthouse, members of the public can visit the island and,

in co-operation with AMSA, inspect the lighthouse and keepers’ quarters.

For further information


Pennicott Wilderness Journeys provide 3 hour cruises around the island